Click on the Routes links on the left to be notified when seats become available or to start a new route.
Stafford (Rt 610) to USCG on MLK Stafford (Rt 610) to L'Enfant Plaza Stafford (Rt 610) to USCG, C4IT Stafford (Rt 610) to USCG in Alexandria Stafford (Rt 630) to DLA/DTRA
Stafford (Rt 17) to Dupont Circle Stafford (Rt 610) to NGB
(Arlington Hall)Fred (Rt 208) to DEA Stafford (Rt 610) to DOE Stafford (Rt 17) to State Dept. Stafford (Rt 610) to DHS. Stafford (Rt 610) to JBAB (DIA) Work Hours: 7:00 - 4:00 Work Hours: 7:00 - 4:00 Work Hours: 7:30 - 3:30 Work Hours:
5:00 - 2:45Work Hours:
6:00 - 4:30Work Hours:
6:30 - 3:30Work Hours:
7:00 - 4:00
7:30 to 3:30Work Hours: 6:00 - 4:30 Work Hours: 6:30 - 4:30 Work Hours:
6:30 - 3:30Work Hours:
6:30 - 3:30Work Hours: 7:30 - 4:30 Welcome to is here to provide commuters in Northern Virginia with a comfortable, reasonably priced, safe, convenient and environmentally friendly way to get to work and home again.
When you use EZcommute Vanpool Service, no one has to put wear and tear on their car. In the morning, your van is waiting for you when you arrive at the pick up lot. If you arrive early you can relax in the safety and comfort of your own car until the van arrives. You rarely walk more than 20 feet from your car to board a van, and it drops you off at the front door of your work. You can feel safe because you ride with the same people every day. You get home faster because we use the HOV lanes and EZcommute accepts the transit subsidy (Metrocheks) and participates in SmartBenefits.
We Accept Metrocheks/SmartBenefits
EZcommute accepts Metrocheks/SmartBenefits: Government employers and many private sector employers in the National Capital Region (NCR) provide monthly transit benefits to their employees to help pay for their daily commute. For more info visit the WMATA Metrochek/SmartBenefits Site. DoD employees can also find more info at the NCR Trasnsit Subsidy site. You can also ask your EZcommute representative, who will be happy to assist you in receiving your benefit.
Guaranteed Ride Home
One of the main reasons people use for not joining a vanpool is the fear of not being able to get a ride home if they have to work late or they have an emergency. That is no longer a concern with Guaranteed Ride Home. Visit Commuter Connections to apply for this free service available to all vanpoolers.
Click here for Federal Government Operating Status in the Washington, DC, Area
Questions about
EZcommute contact
Questions about this web site contact
Mailing address: EZcommute, PO Box 1026, Spotsylvania, VA 22553 is registered with Heid Corp.